Affirmation Generation

Vimeo has taken down the video “Affirmation Generation” but you can see it here. Take the time to watch this well-made and important video.

To read more about the movie go here.

“Affirmation Generation: The Lies of Transgender Medicine,” was made by self-described “lifelong, West Coast Liberal Democrats”.

The film includes interviews with therapists, mental health professionals, and medical doctors who are raising alarms. They are concerned about the rapid increase of adolescents – especially young girls – who are adopting a trans identity and the ill-considered rush to put them on a path to lifelong medical treatment. It also includes the stories of detransitioners.

Pediatrician Julia Mason says in the film I made, Affirmation Generation, “Every kid I was sending to the gender clinic was being transitioned.” Without comprehensive assessments, while other mental illnesses are ignored, these kids are put on lifelong invasive, experimental and costly medicine. Thus, as journalist Helen Joyce, author of TRANS: When Ideology Meets Reality, says, this means they are “getting very poor treatment.” – Dallas Morning News


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  • It is MONEY and those making MONEY who are driving EVERYTHING that is bad and coercive for the younger generation! It is MONEY that is driving the earth to collapse and it's MONEY that apparently will save those who have it! All hail, Captain Kirk and his crew (Bezos, Branson etc) and all hell to the rest of humanity!

  • Who dreams up such a thing as "Puberty blockers"? It is absolutely child abuse. People who profit in this way deserve to be locked up along with the sex traffickers.

    • It seems that puberty blockers - while still very experimental - do have a medical value for those children who begin puberty at a very young age. Like 5 or 6 years old for example. Such cases are rare but do happen.

      In such cases, the protocol is to administer them for a VERY short period as these are very powerful drugs with very serious side effects and have not been fully tested and researched.

      When it comes to stopping the natural development in children I think they are indefensible. All the evidence points to it being a form of child abuse. At the most defensible, it is treating complex adolescent emotional distress with a sledgehammer.

  • I'm deeply grateful that this film was made and that people are finally questioning the trans movement from a perspective of intrusive medical/surgical interventions that are irreversible and/or harmful.

    There is nothing wrong with being gender fluid (in fact many people are gender fluid to some degree) but resorting to disfiguring interventions as a 'solution' is ludicrous and deeply harmful to youths and young adults

    • I am not sure there is such a thing as "gender fluid". Once you stop believing in gender ideology some things become very clear.

      We are all male or female.
      No one has ever changed sex.
      There is an incredible range of how to express being a man.
      And there is an incredible range of how to express being a female.

      Our biological sex is fixed from conception, developed in embryo, and observed at birth. How we express ourselves is not. fixed. And it is gloriously diverse.

      Enough with the sexist stereotypes!

  • I saw this yesterday afternoon and am still digesting it/recovering from it . I am a longtime radical feminist (and bi) so I knew a good bit about this already but it was still very shocking . The testimonies and revelations of detransitioners were very upsetting especially with regard to the way they have been treated by so-called qualified professionals . And the pharmaceutical industry cannot be expected to have any ethics I suppose .

    • After the first battle - money is what matters most for the industry borgs.

      And there is a lot of money at stake here. One (sensible) analysis has it that each new patient on the trans train is at least $1million in additional medical revenue. Meanwhile, kids suffer and get inadequate treatment for that suffering

  • I strikes me that inadequately-thought through decisions with regard to transgender cases are also often made with regard to abortion. Both procedures being irreversible, neither should be undertaken impulsively or on the basis of liberal or conservative ideology/pressure. Perhaps the biggest question in both instances is how can we expect immature people to make MATURE decisions....and I admit the answer is above my pay grade.

  • It has been obvious to me that I must be rather out of touch with young people. Hardly a surprise. Still, one should make an effort. It shows how disconnected I am when I say that I assumed that people who consider sex transformation consider all of the implications at length and over a period of many months at least. Watching this film clip was therefore somewhat shocking. That it was not more so is in itself a sad commentary. How awful do things have to get for us to be ever really shocked these days? Why can we not just allow kids to grow up to be whatever they are? Allow them time to figure it out for themselves without attempting to pressure them one way or another. What a horrible time to be a child.

    • Hi Carolyn,
      Our young people - collectively speaking are not in a good place when it comes to mental health and well-being. We can all point fingers of blame for this (Covid isolation, social media, economic stresses on parents and etc.). But the facts are that kids are experiencing all kinds of stress and exhibiting all kinds of distress.

      The issue addressed by the film is that young people's mental health disorders are met with a one-size fits all diagnostic and treatment regimen that is too readily prescribed and without a professional evaluation of underlying health issues. And that simplistic diagnosis leads to medical treatments from which there is no going back. Puberty blockers are not reversable; cross-sex hormones have a permanent impact; surgery is forever. There is no true going back for those who regret transition.

      And as the film shows there are all kinds of economic interests and general bad actors out there to persuade impressionable young people that they are "trans' and that radical and hormone treatments and social transition are the answer (for now). The bigger stuff comes later. It's a pipeline.

      All this is not to say that gender dysphoria does not exist. (It's hard not to be gender dysphoric growing up in such a homophobic society where the sexual objectification of girls is off the charts and for boys it's not that far behind.)

      So - lost in all this are those for whom these treatments might provide a lifeline. (By treatments I mean those administered to adults. not children, Administering such treatments to children is child abuse in my opinion.) Such individuals are not at all served by this epidemic. The people who actually benefit are those who are making a whole lot of money at the expense of emotionally distressed kids.

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