#6Degrees From the Gulf of Siam to Pianosa via Anglesey

4 years ago

 "Phosphorescence is a process in which energy absorbed by a substance is released relatively slowly in the form of light.…

One Month in The Year of Living Hunkered

4 years ago

February came and went. As Februarys do. As we approach the anniversary of "the year of living hunkered" in what…

Pop Some Seeds and Get Cooking!

4 years ago

Long before everyone aspired to be a gourmet chef and cooking programs were all the rage, it wasn't so easy…

A COVID Plea to County Government

4 years ago

A plea to County government for assistance to residents to keep us as safe as possible during the COVID vaccine…

Operation Pied Piper: What were they thinking?

4 years ago

In Hamelin in Lower Saxony. there's an inscription on a wooden beam on the side of the Rattenfangerhaus (rat catcher's…

From Hamnet to The Water Dancer in Six Moves #6Degrees

4 years ago

One book leads to another. Six Degrees of Separation comes via Kate at Books Are My Favourite and Best. Readers…

Goodbye 2020 – Sound up!

4 years ago

One sheep, one cat, and some fireworks. Just something to kick out 2020. https://youtu.be/sxYVW7fAPNo

Get the vaccine. Climb a drainpipe

4 years ago

As is ever the case, I found these images on the IWM site while actually looking for something else. They…

Where does Good Enough Come from?

4 years ago

It was Donald Winnicott, of course, who coined the phrase good-enough in connection with parenting. He first introduced the term…