
5 years ago

Decomposition I have a picture I took in Bombay of a beggar asleep on the pavement: grey-haired, wearing shorts and…

Game of Swans

5 years ago

A group of swans is a wedge when they're in flight, likely because of the shape a group of swans takes in…

Angela Brazil, the Tribal World of School and School Change

5 years ago

Scooterons-nous vite. It's Back to School with Angela Brazil Long before Harry Potter - and indeed long before all those…

All Hands Above Board for the Scuttlebutt

5 years ago

It's always fun when someone you know - a friend - has a book published. Here's Three Sheets to the…

For No Good Reason

5 years ago

I love this poem by Hans Magnus Enzensberger. It's a commentary on the fact that - even in the darkest…

Mustn’t Grumble

5 years ago

Mustn't Grumble We mustn’t grumble We have wireless and cable And there’s food in the shops. Beyoncé had a birthday and…

About Isms He was Never Wrong: George Orwell at the Café Royal

5 years ago

George Orwell had an interesting chance encounter with a blasé conspiracy theorist at the Café Royal in 1940. (See left). The young…

Pulp Fiction Surprise

5 years ago

Just over 20 years ago now a teacher walked into my office and said that he had just found a…

The Art Game

5 years ago

Friends in the UK who usually come to visit in August were prevented by an illness this year. Big disappointment,…