Falling Wall

6 years ago

I began this post in 2017. The original focus was Louis MacNeice's's poem "Brother Fire". MacNeice was a fire-watcher during…

Diversity is Our Strength, Unity is Our Power

6 years ago

One Plays Chess, the Other Checkers Nancy Pelosi does serious politics and toddler management 101. Trump watches Fox.  As everyone…

W. H. Auden and New York

6 years ago

Eighty years ago today - on January 26th, 1939 - the poet W.H.Auden - accompanied by his friend and sometime…

Sticky Learning and the Dumbing Down of Exams

6 years ago

Do you remember what you were doing on the 22nd of June at 9.00am? I do - at least for…

David Lammy and the Fraud that is Brexit

6 years ago

David Lammy is the Labour MP for Tottenham. He made the speech and took the stand that many of us…

What is the purpose of high school?

6 years ago

Lots of chatter about the fresh faces, diversity and new perspectives of the incoming class in the House of Representatives.…

What is the Case for Grades?

6 years ago

The case against grades and grading has been so clearly made that it is time to turn the tables. Why…

For When It Snows Part Two

6 years ago

Rain is no respecter of persons the snow doesn't give a soft white damn Whom it touches -e.e. cummings, Viva,…

The Old Year

6 years ago

The Old Year The Old Year's gone away To nothingness and night: We cannot find him all the day Nor…

For When it Snows Part One

6 years ago

No snow where I am at the moment but here's a poem to enjoy now and also tuck away to…