Timeless Learning

7 years ago

I like the title of this book about how to do school right: Timeless Learning. The launch date is August…

The United States Welcomes You

7 years ago

We're happier when we chat to strangers, but our instinct is to ignore them https://t.co/ExmL3GSCWw via @researchdigest — Tina Seelig…

The Need to Make

7 years ago

Not bird not badger not beaver not bee Many creatures must make, but only one must seek within itself what…

Dulane Upshaw Ponder

7 years ago

Dulane Upshaw Ponder of NY and Hope, Alaska died at her home in Hampton Bays last evening, June 18th. She…

Artistic Pretensions

7 years ago

When I was ten or eleven my primary school class was taken on a trip to Blenheim Palace. Big excitement…

Construction not Instruction

7 years ago

There's a current craze for teaching coding in schools and computer science classes are back in fashion in a big…

Why Rhubarb?

7 years ago

Rhubarb, Rhubarb Words A definition of rhubarb - the noun - is  meaningless background noise. This meaning is attributed to…

Learned Helplessness and the Grief and Rage of Parklands

7 years ago

From the orphans of Flanders to the students of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School - four photographs with an uncanny…

Buzzwords in Education: Thought Leader takes a Deep Dive into Learner Agency and Direct Instruction

7 years ago

Education thought leader takes a deep dive into learner agency and direct instruction. Image: Banker by Jason de Caires Taylor

Rust and Shadows

7 years ago

When I was four years old I found a sixpence on the quay at Poole Harbour. I've been picking up…