Digital Future Forum: Technology, Social Media and The Impact on Learning

14 years ago

Last night's forum was a discussion of digital technology and social media and their impact on learning and education. Thank…

“Embrace your inner weirdness”

14 years ago

A parent recently sent along this article: Why geeks make better adults than the in-crowd.  The article draws it's lead…

The 21st Century Learner

14 years ago

This video from the MacArthur Foundation shows a variety of key and influential people discussing some of the new possibilities…

“We come to school to sing in the choir”

14 years ago

We come to school to sing in the choir - meaning to be together in real space and time to…

The Footprint and the Digital Dossier

14 years ago

"Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains…

Learning in a Networked World with Will Richardson

14 years ago

Will Richardson was our keynote speaker at Friday's Embracing Innovation Conference at PDS. Click the pic to see the slides…

One Teacher’s Learning Journey with 2.0

14 years ago

Technology, Passion and Learning: That was the title of Shirley Rinaldi's Prezi at Friday's Embracing Innovation Conference ( Twitter hashtag:…

Designing OPuS: A Walkthrough with Fred Bartels

14 years ago

Embracing Innovation Conference Presentation Another learning Odyssey about the design development of OPuS (Online Progressive unSchool)  posted by Fred Bartels These…

Box? What box? Breaking the mind-forged manacles.

14 years ago

Probably the only two responses to constant change are to ignore it (shrink back, retrench, go off the grid, become…

Change and the Rear View Mirror

14 years ago

A home decorating project revealed this message from the former owner underneath the kitchen wallpaper. I quite liked the pattern…