“If you want to build a ship, don’t drum up the men to gather wood, divide the work and give…
“Our children, every day, come to school and spread their dreams at our feet. We should tread softly.” Ken Robinson.
This summer I visited the quite wonderful Hancock Shaker Village. It's where in craft and design, form meets function with…
What's changed? Pretty much everything. A question to get going with: Shopping and information then and now: If you want…
Enjoy the drawing. But but then read this: Shifting Ground from Chris Lehmann. From the Chicago Tribune 1958. (But only…
When I’m in the car I listen to WAMC, and yesterday I heard Roland Fryer’s Dowmel lecture. His specialty is…
Is this what we mean by that current refrain "Whatever it takes"? This is from another era - 1991. Anything…