It's day one of the second semester in the high school. That means the start of new high school courses. …
There's another of those scary science stories in today's NYTimes: Split Outcome in Texas Battle in Teaching Evolution. The real…
What's the difference between a metaphor and lying? With a president who reads Derek Walcott and quotes June Jordan it's…
Last year I bought some of those ice grippers you can velcro onto your boots. This year I put them…
As if on cue, the moving truck with the new furniture or Kenyon House arrived right as the Peacemakers Assembly…
PDS marked the inauguration at its Peacemakers Assembly on Tuesday. Entitled "Stony the road we trod" the event began with…
More about our assembly later but here is a screenshot from the NYTimes website. The middle school Photo Journalism class…
There’s a rather nice set of photographs by Karl Rabe on- line at the Poughkeepsie Journal. This one shows the…
The weather played havoc with the Winter Festival and instead of an all-school event it was presented in segments. We managed…
PDS has new science laboratories. Time for a poem from the Czech poet-scientist Miroslav Holub. In the Microscope Here too…