
For Elaine

To a Sewist extraordinaire, with thanks. This is just to say ...  . (Pictures to follow once they have been…

5 years ago

April and Silence: Three and a Bit from Tomas Tranströmer

Politics without mercy, demonic world events, power without responsibility, nature takes flight. National Insecurity The Under Secretary leans forward and…

5 years ago

A Marvelous Remedy for Wanton Vanity of Women

There I was I was minding my own business drinking an early morning cuppa in isolation, socially distanced and hunkered…

5 years ago

Schools and COVID-19: Gloom and Doom, Hope and Glory

What Schools Have To Be About Now A colleague shared an article  - That Discomfort You're  Feeling Is Grief from…

5 years ago

What Grocery Stores and Retail Outlets Should Be Doing in NY

Dear Friends and Neighbors: Based on personal observations and reports from others, many, if not most, grocery stores and other…

5 years ago

COVIDIOTS 2020 and Hellish Trumpery

So many parallels between our current pandemic and the plague that swept through London in 1665, at least as described…

5 years ago

Mental Health, Leadership and the Plan for That

They say the war is over. But water still Comes bloody from the taps. from 'Redeployment,' Howard Nemerov In April…

5 years ago

Coastal Command

My uncle Lawrence Holford was killed by a Bristol Beaufighter. Maybe two.  My father worshipped his older brother Laurie, and…

5 years ago

An Abundance of Caution

In an abundance of caution, Density reducing, I stay at home. I keep my social distance Leave bleach and hand…

5 years ago

Central Park Today

Spring is on the way. Pictures from Central Park, NYC today.

5 years ago

Disease and Pestilence: School Edition

As my inbox and timeline fill up with Corona Virus updates and advisories this is little footnote to my post…

5 years ago

The School is Dead, Long Live the School

This is actually a story about books but somehow the schools took over. It does start with the books -…

5 years ago

Gin: Mother’s Milk or Hair Tonic?

One thing always leads to another on the intertubes and this particular ravel started with my friend David Nice. David…

5 years ago

Want to be a New Woman?

You too! can be a New Woman. Who knew it was this easy? And just think of the savings on…

5 years ago

Jeanne Mammen In Ruins and Recovery

Before the Nazis took power in 1933 Jeanne Mammen earned her living as a commercial artist, selling her work to…

5 years ago