A legend makes a good story. To win a ten-dollar bet, Hemingway wrote a six-word story. “For sale: baby shoes.…
I received a book in the mail this week. Nothing unusual about that even though I do try to buy…
Dilys was the first, circa 1980. Unwanted or abandoned, I can't remember how she came our way but she left…
I put this image together in honor of the Holy Month that's now upon us. Given the proliferation of days,…
Before decamping to Brooklyn for the month I saw this on a utility box on Riverside Drive. Someone had gone…
Midge Hazelbrow, the indomitable co-head of Wayward St. Etheldreda's Academy, took herself for a brisk constitutional down Riverside Drive to…
Before the eruption, it was a typical senior leadership meeting at Wayward. Head of School, Tim Endibel, was talking. On…
When I taught fourth and fifth grade at a school that didn't assign grades, the topic occasionally came up among…
It was the Gert Loveday review of Rancid Pansies (it’s an anagram) that set me off to read James Hamilton-Paterson’s…
A post on LinkedIn caught my attention this week. It's had over 11,000 views so I'm not alone. Tanya de…
Women's rights campaigner Kellie-Jay Keen of Let Women Speak had a big announcement last week. Give it a watch. And…
Two women - Kemi Badenoch and Kellie-Jay Keen - made a splash across the pond on Terf Island this week.…
"The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, But in ourselves, that we are underlings. Julius Caesar Act 1…
When Claudine Gay resigned as President of Harvard this week the gloating by some conservative activists and commentators was unappealing…
"When he was nearly thirteen, my brother Jem got his arm badly broken at the elbow." You may not remember…