
Five Things: DEI, Poem, Memoir, Library, Anti-Semitism, and Street Thugs

One Last week IntrepidEd News published another of my pieces. This one is about how schools are on the front…

1 year ago

In Defense of Intersectionality

I wrote this primarily as a way to sort my ideas out. Feel free to skip. However do take a…

1 year ago

Intersectional Lunacy and Knee-Jerk Nonsense

 A bunch of angry shouty men showed up to protest the Standing for Women  Let Women Speak event in Leeds…

1 year ago

The Art Bombing World of the Cat

It's been a bit quiet on the R and R front this Fall but I've not been entirely idle. I…

1 year ago

Personal Update. And Breaking News

My Wittgenstein project has entered a fallow phase but it is merely on furlough for a while and will be…

2 years ago

The Ladder and the Beetle

I'm launched on a Wittgenstein project. I thought it was about time I knew more about him and his work…

2 years ago

On the Seashore of Endless Worlds

In 1913, the Nobel Prize in Literature was awarded to the Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore "because of his profoundly sensitive,…

2 years ago

Guilty as Charged

Long ago, but not so far away, but decades before DEI rebranded itself as Divide, Exclude, and Intrude I too…

2 years ago

Haughty Indifference and Artificial Intelligence

A long time ago I studied Christopher Marlowe's play Edward II as a set text for "A" level. As was…

2 years ago

The Corner That Held Them

On 14 June 1940, Paris fell to the German Army. The British author Sylvia Townsend Warner wrote in her diary.…

2 years ago

The Channel 4 Video “Gender Wars”

Here is the video that caused all the discussion: What do you think?

2 years ago

When DEI means Deny, Exclude, Intrude

The daily stroll last week took us down Claremont Avenue where large picture window affords a passing glimpse into a…

2 years ago

Conversations Through the Rabbit Glass

“But I don’t want to go among mad people,” Alice remarked. “Oh, you can’t help that,” said the Cat: “we’re…

2 years ago

When Milton met Galileo

I chanced upon this painting of the meeting between Galileo and John Milton and had a flashback to undergraduate days…

2 years ago

A Scream in Soho

It's London in wartime, in the blackout before the Blitz and the streets of Soho are full of characters straight…

2 years ago