
Anna and Gertrude

“I am not interested in complicated things nor in the commonplace, I like to paint simple things that are a…

3 years ago

The Thinking

This post is in answer to the question "Operation Pied Piper: What were they thinking?" At least in terms of…

3 years ago

Crime Past, Crime Present, and Crime Future

 Many people know that the poet T. S. Eliot was very fond of cats and indeed created some wonderful cat…

3 years ago

The Hat on the Cat

Optimized for full cable reception, BlueTooth and wi-fi.  The Hat on the Cat - Inspired by all the Amazing Hats…

3 years ago

The Seduction of Sir Knack-a-Rib

OuLiPo meets Anapestic Tetrameter and the mad, bad and dangerous to know Bored Lyeron The Seduction of Sir Knack-a-Rib  The…

3 years ago

Daffodils Nodding in the Cheese

Daffodil:  good fortune; pleasure; contentment; joy. - from the surrealist dictionary definition generator.  Windy today so lots of daffodils nodding…

3 years ago

All Our Yesterdays with the #1936Club

There was a period in the early 1960s when my parents had a television (in those days you rented) and…

3 years ago

A Shadorma Chain on the Problem of Cats

 Shadorma - that wonderful bogus poetic form that is such fun to write - is perfect for the paean to…

3 years ago

Bertie Wooster v. Christopher Robin

P.G.Wodehouse and A.A. Milne were the same age and in 1941 they were both close to 60. As young men…

3 years ago

What ho! George Orwell and Cancel Culture

Few things in this war have been more morally disgusting than the present hunt after traitors and Quislings. At best…

4 years ago

The Learners’ Manifesto from Frank Smith

A six-point manifesto from psycholinguist Frank Smith - another of those items found in the basement. I must have prepared…

4 years ago

#6Degrees From the Gulf of Siam to Pianosa via Anglesey

 "Phosphorescence is a process in which energy absorbed by a substance is released relatively slowly in the form of light.…

4 years ago

One Month in The Year of Living Hunkered

February came and went. As Februarys do. As we approach the anniversary of "the year of living hunkered" in what…

4 years ago

Pop Some Seeds and Get Cooking!

Long before everyone aspired to be a gourmet chef and cooking programs were all the rage, it wasn't so easy…

4 years ago