Marlon James is author of the 2015 Man Booker prize-winning novel Brief History of Seven Killings. In this short video via The Guardian he makes the case that being non-racist may allow us a clear conscience about our personal conduct but it’s really not good enough. Letting things that are racist in the world just be – supporting that status quo…
Author: JosieHolford
When it comes to studying: Consistency is not your friend
Many thanks to the @theASIDEblog for alerting me to this simple advice for learners (aka all of us):
My PDS Challenge: Those 10 Ten Most Important Skills and How They Are Learned
Disruptive changes to business models will have a profound impact on the employment landscape over the coming years. Many of the major drivers of transformation currently affecting global industries are expected to have a significant impact on jobs, ranging from significant job creation to job displacement, and from heightened labour productivity to widening skills gaps. In many industries and countries,…
What Skills Will We Need in the Future Economy?
Five years from now, over one-third of skills (35%) that are considered important in today’s workforce will have changed. That’s according to a new Forum report, The Future of Jobs,that looks at the employment, skills and workforce strategy for the future. How will these skills be developed? What are the implications for what happens in schools now? Not just what…
On the Brink: The Fourth Industrial Revolution: What it Means and What to Do
We stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work, and relate to one another. In its scale, scope, and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before. We do not yet know just how it will unfold, but one thing is clear: the response to it must be…
Be a Good Person: Get Admitted to College
Be a good person: Get into college. Well – it’s not quite a simple as that but it is true that the rules of the game of college admissions are changing. This week admissions deans and other leaders from the nation’s top colleges and universities joined together to announce the launch of Turning the Tide: Inspiring Concern for Others and…
Racial Justice: Are we making any progress?
We celebrate Martin Luther King’s birthday on Monday and that means a day off. It’s a recent habit to use a part of the weekend to read or re-read something he wrote and give it some thought. Seems the least thing to do. Last year it was Have Courage: The Letter from Birmingham Jail. This year it’s the speech he…
In medicine and education: “The secret of quality is love”
“The secret of quality is love,” Avedis Donabedian, a professor at the University of Michigan’s School of Public Health, expert in the field of quality measurement. That’s a rather remarkable statement from a scientist whose expertise was accountability measures and quality control. It’s from a NYTimes article How Measurement Fails Doctors and Teachers by Robert M. Wachter *. The article is a…
Remembering Joe Bower
I never met Joe Bower but it seemed easy to imagine knowing him. He was one of those people you meet online who exude warmth and seem larger than life. When Joe burst into the Twitterspere in 2009 it was like a blast of fresh air. He was ready to take on the world and he generated an energy and…
Happy New Year
A small selection of New Year’s greetings from a a century ago.
1915 and The Midnight of the Nations
On Christmas Day 1915 David Lloyd George the former radical liberal,then Minister of Munitions and soon to be Prime Minister addressed a crowd of restless shop stewards and trade unionists in St. Andrew’s Hall, Glasgow. He was there to try and forestall strikes in an area where labor relations were contentious and complicated. He also needed to make the case…
Winter Solstice
The winter solstice – the shortest day of the year in the northern hemisphere. The earth – tilted away from the sun – receives the least amount of sunlight today. Here’s Winter Solstice by Barbara Hepworth – originally created in 1970 as part of Hepworth’s suite of screenprints and lithographs known as ‘Opposing Forms’. This work expresses Hepworth’s interest in exploring a…
Finding the Heart of Progressive Education
Finding the Heart of a Progressive Education What follows is the text of the article recently published by Hudson Valley Magazine Q&A with Josie Holford, Head of School, Poughkeepsie Day School How does the no testing/no grading philosophy work? The traditional assessment system is designed to rank and sort out winners and losers. At Poughkeepsie Day School, we think of…
The 100 Ways Children Learn and Why You Should Ignore Them
Learning styles – they used to be everywhere. You know – learning styles – that notion that the way children learn is this way or that – visual, auditory or kinesthetic – or some other more complicated variation on a theme. There are three, there are four and sometimes many more styles or types of learners. There used to be…