Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

School of the Past: School of the Future

This summer I visited  the quite wonderful Hancock Shaker Village. It’s where in craft and design, form meets function with simplicity and beauty.  So many interesting things to see and pay attention to. Of course – I had to visit the schoolhouse, now separated from the main buildings by a busy highway. The school room was bright and well lit…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

What’s Changed?

What’s changed? Pretty much everything. A question to get going with: Shopping and information then and now: If you want the best dishwasher or digital camera or know how to remove turmeric stains from linen or why there’s a sudden infestation of ladybugs – where would you go to figure it out? And for most people the answer would be:…

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Education, Politics, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Locked out of Learning

When I’m in the car I listen to WAMC, and yesterday I heard Roland Fryer’s Dowmel lecture. His specialty is race-based economic issues, and his research projects seek to answer the question of why African-Americans are harder hit by poverty than other demographic groups in America The focus was education and the data dismal. Fryer is a brilliant economist, an…

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Education, Politics, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Whatever it takes ….

Is this what we mean by that current refrain “Whatever it takes”? This is from another era – 1991. Anything much changed? More well-intentioned (mostly) but misguided reformy ideas. And it’s always worth remembering the Latin roots of the word “inculcate” meaning to grind in with the heel.

Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

State of Play

So the debate on the purpose of play in early childhood simmers on. It popped up on my Facebook page yesterday with this from the ASCD: Play is problem solving That then led me to the The Playtime’s the Thing from the Washington Post. The pressure is on to raise achievement scores and this puts the squeeze on time for…

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Education, Politics, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Publish! And democratize learning.

Interesting post from The Innovative Educator: 21st Century Educators Don’t Say, “Hand It In.” They say, “Publish It! Read the post to hear what happened when she put out the word via Twitter and also to see her suggestions for making it happen in the classroom. Meanwhile – here is one of the slides from a presentation by C.K. Prahalad*…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Dangerous Praise

Good reminder about how not to praise from Stephen Currie in a recent post to the PDS Math Guy Blog. It’s all to do with the effort effect and how to talk to kids about their work. Researcher Carol Dweck’s work has shown that  praise for being smart is a great demotivator. Here are the researcher’s tips for a better…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb, WW2

“We wish all children could be glad and safe.”

“War is not here” “No sirens are warning us of air raids” and the last line “We wish all children could be glad and safe.” In all-school activity groups on Tuesday students wrote what they are thankful for on strips of colored paper – now displayed in the lobby. (Family, friends and pets feature strongly.) As reported by the Poughkeepsie…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Testing Madness on the Race to Nowhere

A colleague at a nearby school sent me this link to the NYTimes – just the latest bulletin from a world gone mad with narrow definitions of achievement and success. Test prep for pre-school no less. And a real moneymaker for the lucrative (and unregulated) test prep industry. Tips for the Admissions test – to Kindergarten “Kayla Rosenblum sat upright…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

That was then: Are we “betraying most of our children”?

From: We are the people movie people This landmark independent documentary … explores the education system … and asks whether the current system provides young people with the opportunity to develop their talents. High-profile figures sharing their personal experiences and views include Sir Richard Branson, Germaine Greer, Henry Winkler, Bill Bryson, Sir Ken Robinson and a wide range of education…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

The new literacy ladder. What rung are you on?

The world is moving at a tremendous rate. Going no one knows where. We must prepare our children, not for the world of the past. Not for our world. But for their world. The world of the future.  – John Dewey PDS graduates students who… possess a rich academic knowledge base and know how to think as creative, flexible, independent,…

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Art, Film, Photography, Politics, RattleBag and Rhubarb, WW1

With the Guns

With school closed for the day there was time for a walk. Buttercup Farm Sanctuary off Route 82 just north of Stanfordville has one path that tracks along Wappingers Creek as it runs down from the head waters at Thompson Pond south toward the Hudson. It was quiet except for the rustle of squirrels, a few birds – juncos, jays…

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