As of last week, the only thing I knew about Agnes Smedley was that The Feminist Press had reissued her…
This is a shout-out to all the farmers, staff, and administration at the Poughkeepsie Farm Project (PFP). Thank you for…
Because I wrote a piece about starting a school I began thinking about school missions. Mostly about how alike they…
The November #6degrees is freestyle. Instead of everyone starting in the same place with the same book, each participant starts…
Looks like having government officials who are Ignorant and Stupid is nothing new. Chinese poet Su Tung-Po nailed it centuries…
November Show's over, folks. And didn't October do A bang-up job? Crisp breezes, full-throated cries Of migrating geese, low-floating coral…
A musical backdrop to Unreal City: the London of the Lonely Londoners When the Empire Windrush docked at Tilbury in…
I was pleased to be invited to contribute something to Trevor Day School's 90th Anniversary magazine. This is what I…
This is not really a book review, although I did re-read, and enjoy The Lonely Londoners as part of the…