RattleBag and Rhubarb

Hopeful Signs

I am always a bit astonished when I see tRump signs at people's houses. And I ask myself: "Who are…

4 years ago

The 1956 Book Club and a Game

And the #1956Club is open for business and this time I'm joining and you can too.. I'm old enough to…

4 years ago

From The Turn of the Screw to Strangers on a Train #SixDegrees

As a starting point for a chain of connections #sixdegrees The Turn of the Screw has everything. Is it a…

4 years ago

The Book Chain: Six Degrees and the Invention of Sex

Long before the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, bookish teens had Iris Murdoch. As the poet Philip Larkin…

4 years ago

Anarchy in New York: The Mayhem Continues

As we know the tRump misadministration has - for reasons of its own - declared New York City to be…

4 years ago

Anarchy in New York City

The US Department of 'Justice' declared this week that New York City -- along with Portland and Seattle -- to…

4 years ago

A Heap of Broken Images

What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, You cannot say,…

4 years ago

A Street in London W11

Six stops on the Hammersmith and City from Euston Square to Westbourne Park, up the stairs, along the bridge over…

4 years ago

School Sabotage and Survival

I've just read Back To My Beginnings by Paddy Staplehurst. It's a memoir of growing up in St. Etheldreda's in…

4 years ago

Bread Baking Freestyle

I enjoy reading the daily newsletter from the cooking crew at the NY Times. Always some interesting new ideas and…

4 years ago