I am always a bit astonished when I see tRump signs at people's houses. And I ask myself: "Who are…
And the #1956Club is open for business and this time I'm joining and you can too.. I'm old enough to…
As a starting point for a chain of connections #sixdegrees The Turn of the Screw has everything. Is it a…
Long before the sexual revolution of the 1960s and 1970s, bookish teens had Iris Murdoch. As the poet Philip Larkin…
As we know the tRump misadministration has - for reasons of its own - declared New York City to be…
The US Department of 'Justice' declared this week that New York City -- along with Portland and Seattle -- to…
What are the roots that clutch, what branches grow Out of this stony rubbish? Son of man, You cannot say,…
Six stops on the Hammersmith and City from Euston Square to Westbourne Park, up the stairs, along the bridge over…
I've just read Back To My Beginnings by Paddy Staplehurst. It's a memoir of growing up in St. Etheldreda's in…
I enjoy reading the daily newsletter from the cooking crew at the NY Times. Always some interesting new ideas and…