RattleBag and Rhubarb

Save Your Neighborhood

Buy local. If you live in a city, town or village you probably appreciate the local amenities. These include the…

6 years ago

The Gossips

She never!            She did! Well blow me            A right carry-on What a palaver  …

6 years ago

Stroll, Soodle or Stroam

Soodle - it means means to walk in a slow or leisurely manner; to stroll, saunter. With so many alternatives…

6 years ago

The Art of Toni Morrison: The Pieces I Am

Two Sundays, two documentaries and two very satisfactory movie experiences. The first was Maiden at The Moviehouse in Millerton, NY.…

6 years ago

Night Fog

Some left over words from another post and borrowed words not exactly put to music. Boundaries blur. The streetlamp a…

6 years ago

New York City Through the Window: Poetry

In 1975 the poet Allen Ginsberg was in hospital. At a later poetry reading he explained the causes in an…

6 years ago

New York City Through the Window: Art

And New York is the most beautiful city in the world? It is not far from it. No urban nights…

6 years ago

The View from the Room

It was pleasant to wake up in Florence, to open the eyes upon a bright bare room, with a floor…

6 years ago

After great pain, a formal feeling comes

It's graduation season and across the land schools are saying goodbye to students and students are moving along and into…

6 years ago

Bench Warfare: Satanic Panic on the Rail Trail

A favorite place for a walk is the Hudson Valley Rail Trail. There's at least one stretch north of Hopewell…

6 years ago