RattleBag and Rhubarb

The War is Too Much With Us

I thought of going back to France, but realised the absurdity of the notion. Since 1916, the fear of gas…

6 years ago

The Night City

If you've ever been young and full of dreams .... If you ever headed to the big city with your…

6 years ago

Sarah Parker Remond and the Cotton Workers of Lancashire

In a time of political darkness - when the ugly power of racism rears up - it is good to…

6 years ago

Suvla Bay, Gallipoli 1915

It seemed to them that they were to go on living like that, and writing like that, for ever and…

6 years ago

The Romance of Gregory Corso: Cypress, Marble, Moon!

 “I hate poetry and all its fucking ambitious son-of-a-bitches who call me a showman because I act myself”. Gregory Corso  letter…

6 years ago

Grave Responsibilities

There's a cat sanctuary in the grounds of the Pyramid in Rome. This rather incongruous Egyptian style pyramid was built in…

6 years ago

Two Years Hard Labour

My uncle - Geoffrey Nicolls - served with the 16th West Yorkshire Regiment in WW1 and in the same week…

6 years ago

The Squelch and Why School Should be More Like a Fungus

It's been wet this August and last week was topped off by a cracker of a thunderstorm storm that dropped…

7 years ago

Timeless Learning

I like the title of this book about how to do school right: Timeless Learning. The launch date is August…

7 years ago

The United States Welcomes You

We're happier when we chat to strangers, but our instinct is to ignore them https://t.co/ExmL3GSCWw via @researchdigest — Tina Seelig…

7 years ago