RattleBag and Rhubarb

A Scream in Soho

It's London in wartime, in the blackout before the Blitz and the streets of Soho are full of characters straight…

2 years ago

Coronation Toad-in-the-Hole

With May being coronation month and all, the NYTimes Cooking section has a selection of dishes it deems British, and…

2 years ago

Progress is a Myth: We Live in Regressive Times

I've chuntered about progress as a myth for years now. Mostly - it has to be said - out of…

2 years ago

Art and the Garden

If you are in New York City and looking for a outing here's a suggestion: Wave Hill Garden in the…

2 years ago

Lying to the Young is Wrong

In his day, the Soviet poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko' was something of an international rock star whose readings could fill sports…

2 years ago

The East Coker Opera House Murders #1940Club

Based on his published letters,1940 was a busy year for T.S.Eliot. He was based in London and working at Faber…

2 years ago

1940 and the #1940Club

Hope I'm not jumping the gun here but the #1940Club starts next week and I've been gearing up and getting…

2 years ago

Sospan Fach and that Cursèd Wood

March is Dewithon Month  #Dewithon. You can read about this celebration of literary Wales at the link We are all invited…

2 years ago

The Pineapple Party

Norman Pearson returned towards the end of January, after an absence in Spain and Portugal, bearing two bananas, two oranges…

2 years ago

Language Matters and the Mother Tongue

Lots of appropriately scornful responses to the charity Oxfam's Inclusive Language Guide  published this week. First of all, it's 92…

2 years ago