RattleBag and Rhubarb

It’s a MakeSTEAM world: Design Thinking on the Move

I'm just back from a fantastic three days at the NYSAIS STEAMCamp. Twitter: #steam13 So much to think about, so…

12 years ago

Design Thinking: The Teapot and How to Brew the Best Cup of Tea

Design thinking - it's everywhere in education. And that's great because problems are everywhere and design thinking offers a way…

12 years ago

The Future of Schools: The Third Revolution and The Great Disruption

"The Great Disruption: Technology and the Future of Schools" The latest issue of Independent School magazine is out and it's…

12 years ago

Learning by Doing: Think*Make*Improve

I've been playing with a new graphics tool - easel.ly - and this is my first effort. I took the slogan Think*Make*Improve…

12 years ago

Born to Explore: Nine things we need to know about the brain

In his new book, psychologist Louis Cozolino applies the lessons of social neuroscience to the classroom. And here are his head (!) lines excerpted…

12 years ago

Lock-step learning is not (learning)

Award winning social studies teacher Ron Maggiano is leaving his job. And this is why: Our classrooms have become intellectual…

12 years ago

The Edge: A sudden unplanned flight of fancy

         Come to the Edge We might fall. Come to the edge. It's too high! COME TO…

12 years ago

Bouncing Back and the Seven C’s

Here's a book that looks useful: Building Resilience in Children and Teens Strategies to help kids from 18 months to…

12 years ago

Getting to Somewhere: The Changes They Made

Did you see the film Race to Nowhere? The film challenged the obsession with competition and evaluation in our education…

12 years ago