RattleBag and Rhubarb

Diversity Matters

Rather like how I'm quoted in Saturday's  Poughkeepsie Journal "Diversity is a core value embodied in the school's mission," said…

14 years ago

Twitter Asks: Ken Robinson Replies

Ken Robinson answers questions sent to him via Twitter.

14 years ago

Snow Days and Disruption: An open letter to families

Dear PDS Families: A few lines (with minor edits)  from division in-boxes and my twitter feed: Student: I just wanted…

14 years ago

“Knowledge not purchased by the loss of power!”

Children: How will they ever know who they are? The question is the last line of  "The Things we Steal…

14 years ago

Hardwired to be good: Altruism and evolution

In contrast to Hobbes' view in Leviathan that we are destined to lives that are "... solitary, poor, nasty, brutish,…

14 years ago

The Possible’s Slow Fuse

Wisdom and inspiration from Emily Dickinson: The gleam of an heroic Act Such strange illumination The Possible's slow fuse is…

14 years ago

How to Read a Report Card

PDS student reports are not just a list of untethered numbers and letters  but rather in-depth narratives that convey detailed…

14 years ago

A Culture of Testing

Seth Godin wrote about the culture of testing, Netflix and what is untestable. You can read it here. I have…

14 years ago

Snow Day – A Gift of Time

A snow day is a gift of time for play, independent work and keeping connected in the ways that make…

14 years ago

No More Snow Days

School is closed tomorrow - Wednesday - because of the impending storm. In anticipation, middle school director George Swain spoke…

14 years ago