RattleBag and Rhubarb

Chance of Snow

Are we having a snow day tomorrow? Is school going to be closed because of the snow? What are the…

14 years ago

What’s your sentence?

Here's the follow-up video to Dan Pink's question from last new year: What's Your Sentence?: The Video from Daniel Pink…

14 years ago

Team PDS for KIVA

A new year, a new project in global awareness and world citizenship:an anonymous donation to the school has helped us…

14 years ago

Lasting gifts: “The house will remember you.”

Sometimes you are awed by the company you keep. Poughkeepsie Day School is honored and inspired by its partnerships with…

14 years ago

Motivation with Cushman, Pink, Kohn and Schrute

Two of my favorite  education videos in 2010 have to do with motivation. In this first one, Stanley schools Dwight…

14 years ago

A Golden Age of Data

Drowning in data overload? Drenched from drinking from the fire-hose of information? Help is at hand:  the Guardian now has…

14 years ago

Tweet your Lunch

I check my Twitter feed first thing.  It's an early morning routine that helps give me a quick scan of…

14 years ago

“Three Cheers” for the Fall Festival team

I like these words about our Fall Festival Reimagined:  Three Cheers - from the Poughkeepsie Journal today: To Poughkeepsie Day…

14 years ago

Social Media and School Leadership

Lorrie Jackson recently interviewed me via email on the topic of heads of school and their use of social media.…

14 years ago