RattleBag and Rhubarb

“Playing games makes your child clever”

 A must read article from the Times of London. Playing Games Makes Your Child Clever  

15 years ago

Everyone is cranky

A school in May is like a two year old deprived of a nap.  That's how my colleague Liz describes…

15 years ago

Finland and Education Success

A video from BBC News about the world's latest favorite education destination: Finland

15 years ago

Digital literacy across the curriculum

It's not about the tools and the testing, it's about the learning and the thinking. Digital literacy is an important…

15 years ago

Scoundrels alive! High school play streamed to the world

April 23rd 2010 - Shakespeare's birthday and Poughkeepsie Day School begins live streaming Diary of a Scoundrel - Alexander Ostrovsky's…

15 years ago

The fire within

"To succeed...it's the fire within that must be lit." Purpose, mastery, autonomy (mission not money as motivation.) Watch the video…

15 years ago

Math Curriculum Makeover: Be less helpful

Math makes sense of the world: Here's math teacher Dan Meyer speaking at the TEDxNYED conference in March.

15 years ago

The wild front ear

If blogging is supposed to have an element of timeliness then  I have given up on that ideal.  After all…

15 years ago

Failing is essential

The ratio between success and failure remains pretty constant. To succeed means we must fail. And the more often we…

15 years ago