RattleBag and Rhubarb

Academic Earth

A wave of the future: College lectures available online for free. Academic Earth: Free access to thousands of world class…

16 years ago

Electricity Trade Show

The American Flashlight, Game Boards, Quiz Shows, a Climbing Tree, Cop Car, Electric Robot and more. All at the Electricity…

16 years ago

World Markets

Here are just a few pictures from the display of dioramas of markets from around the world. I will add…

16 years ago

Do you Twitter?

We are experimenting with an additional way to help people keep in touch with what's going on at PDS. If…

16 years ago

What is school for?

Seth Godin is a marketeer and prolific generator of ideas.  His blog often has interesting  nuggets about education. The purpose…

16 years ago

Kids need recess

School recess improves behavior - from the NYTimes. Anyone surprised?

16 years ago

New semester in motion

It's day one of the second semester in the high school. That means the  start of new high school courses. …

16 years ago

Saving the Children from Science

There's another of those scary science stories in today's NYTimes: Split Outcome in Texas Battle in Teaching Evolution. The real…

16 years ago

Stephen Colbert hears the Mermaids

What's the difference between a metaphor and lying? With a president who reads Derek Walcott and quotes June Jordan it's…

16 years ago

The frozen Hudson River

Last year I bought some of those ice grippers you can velcro onto your boots. This year I put them…

16 years ago