RattleBag and Rhubarb

New Furniture

As if on cue, the moving truck with the new furniture or Kenyon House arrived  right as the Peacemakers Assembly…

16 years ago

“Stony the road we trod” The inauguration of President Barak Obama

PDS marked the inauguration at its Peacemakers Assembly on Tuesday.  Entitled "Stony the road we trod" the event began with…

16 years ago

PDS is a a part of it.

More about our assembly later but here is a screenshot from the NYTimes website. The middle school Photo Journalism class…

16 years ago

Nice photographs

There’s a rather nice set of photographs by Karl Rabe on- line at the Poughkeepsie Journal. This one shows the…

16 years ago

Winter Festival Delayed

The weather played havoc with the  Winter Festival and instead of an all-school event it was presented in segments. We  managed…

16 years ago

In the microscope

PDS has new science laboratories. Time for a poem from the Czech poet-scientist Miroslav Holub. In the Microscope Here too…

16 years ago

A Children’s Manifesto for Creativity

Question: What do you need to be creative and succeed in the future? Point number one: We want less formality…

16 years ago

The World is Not Flat: The New Economics

In a new book, The Venturesome Economy Amar Bhidé challenges  The World is Flat notion proposed by Thomas Friedman in…

16 years ago

High School Helping Hands

Santa had his elves and Liz had her cadre of helpers too. They spent last weekend getting the transformed Kenyon…

16 years ago

What? Wow! And Amazing!

Just a sample of some of the reactions from the high school when they returned to school today. Kenyon House…

16 years ago