RattleBag and Rhubarb

Summer Drama: Powerhouse Apprentices

Nice article about two PDS students in the Poughkeepsie Journal Students to study theater at Powerhouse Hannah and Wiley, rising…

17 years ago

Are you digitally literate?

Doug Belshaw has been working on what it means. What's your version of digital literacy?

17 years ago

Why Teach Science?

...you don’t have to be a scientist for science to be transformative... Some years ago I had the pleasure of…

17 years ago

Our Hudson River

This was the culmination of a year long study, investigation and exploration of the life and history of the Hudson…

17 years ago

Testing: There are Better Ways to Identify Gifted and Talented Students

It's testing season and here's a timely reminder that traditional testing for ability is not the last word in thinking…

17 years ago

The Effort Effect Part Two: What do we tell the kids?

Part One: The Audacity of High Hopes Part Two: What to do If praising kids for being smart saps motivation…

17 years ago

Blocked: Did Kindergarten Invent Modernism?

The maple wood blocks . . . are in my fingers to this day. - Frank Lloyd Wright I have…

17 years ago

Kindergarten Collectors

It was part of a math number and counting project and then both kindergarten classes brought in their personal collections…

17 years ago

The Effort Effect: The Audacity of High Hopes

The effort effect on display at Buttercup Farm Nature Reserve, near Poughkeepsie. See below for a photo of the dam.…

17 years ago


Seeing red, going green, in a purple haze , once in a blue moon. Pictures from the first and second…

17 years ago