Taking control of our learning and our work isn’t really a revolution. It’s more like a reset to the proper default position for the conceptual age. Harold Jarche Resetting Learning and Work I’m lucky enough to be a member of the NYSAIS Think Tank convened this week to consider professional development and next steps and directions for NYSAIS to continue…
Category: RattleBag and Rhubarb
T.S.Eliot – the app for that
T.S.Eliot worked for Faber and now they have published an app for The Wasteland. Is this the future of English studies? Imagine what a great project it would be for a class to create the app for a work of literature they loved. I will show you fear in a handful of dust.
Mozart on Fire: The Ruben’s Tube UPDATE
Look at what happens when Mozart catches fire! What I love most about the video is their reactions. And the physics of course. The story of the experiment was first posted in February, 2010. Preston and Jake continued their research into pressure, sound and waves. This video from May 2011 is the result of that Independent Study. I understand that…
Life in School: Two Short Videos
Greek Festival Student Talent Show March 2011
How Change Happens: The Leopards Break Into The Temple
If you’ve ever been confronted by a dose of TTWWHADI (that’s the way we have always done it) or been reproached with the saying “That’s not the way we do things here,” “That’s not our way”… If you have ever thought that the barbarians are at the door threatening the purity and essence of your beloved institution with their new-fangled,…
“The death of education but the dawn of learning.”
Mindless and disturbing commercial hype or … finally … the opportunity to realize the long-held, unfulfilled dreams of boundless learning? Stephen Heppell via Matt Sculley Photo: Ryan Wilson
Digital Future Forum: Technology, Social Media and The Impact on Learning
Last night’s forum was a discussion of digital technology and social media and their impact on learning and education. Thank you parents, students and faculty for joining the discussion. There’s lots more learning and thinking to do and I look forward to the on-going exploration and conversation. We will be actively planning ways to open the discussion to the whole…
“Embrace your inner weirdness”
A parent recently sent along this article: Why geeks make better adults than the in-crowd. The article draws it’s lead from Alexandra Robbins book The Geeks Shall Inherit the Earth. While there is something of a defensive, passive-aggressive revenge fantasy to the tone, it is undoubtedly true that conforming to the conventional as a way to be popular is a…
The 21st Century Learner
This video from the MacArthur Foundation shows a variety of key and influential people discussing some of the new possibilities in learning, school design and the new opportunities for informal learning. It opens with John Seeley Brown “The most important thing for kids today is the love of embracing change.” “We find when we talk about 21st century skills, people…
“We come to school to sing in the choir”
We come to school to sing in the choir – meaning to be together in real space and time to do something together. The idea still holds. But maybe it’s time to revise the metaphor. Take a look at and a listen to Eric Whitacre’s online choir:
The Footprint and the Digital Dossier
“Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains is bestial. My reputation, Iago, my reputation!” (Othello Act II.iii.262-265). Cassio only had his own foolishness and the treachery of Iago to deal with. He didn’t have to contend with social media and the digital dossier. Iago – who elsewhere…
Learning in a Networked World with Will Richardson
Will Richardson was our keynote speaker at Friday’s Embracing Innovation Conference at PDS. Click the pic to see the slides of his presentation. “Now I get it!” Conference participant. “You can’t bubble in the answers to life’s great questions.” PDS senior. Other EIC11 links (more posted soon): Opening Remarks *** TodaysMeet Conference Back Channel *** One Teacher’s Learning Journey:…
One Teacher’s Learning Journey with 2.0
Technology, Passion and Learning: That was the title of Shirley Rinaldi’s Prezi at Friday’s Embracing Innovation Conference ( Twitter hashtag: #eic11). Shirley teaches 6th grade humanities and she’s worked at PDS since 1993. She writes a blog Talking the Tech Walk with another middle school teacher and you can follow their story there. This year she has been on a…
Designing OPuS: A Walkthrough with Fred Bartels
Embracing Innovation Conference Presentation Another learning Odyssey about the design development of OPuS (Online Progressive unSchool) posted by Fred Bartels These are the slides to the talk he gave at Embracing Innovation 11 at PDS last Friday. You can follow the learning journey and see some of the influences, sharing, collaboration and thinking along the way. Are we frightened of the…
Box? What box? Breaking the mind-forged manacles.
Probably the only two responses to constant change are to ignore it (shrink back, retrench, go off the grid, become irrelevant, turn inwards, stay put, get run over, and so on) or keep on keeping on with the learning life. But what happens if the mantra of: Keep moving, just try it, have a go, fail-fail-fail and then succeed and…