In the conversations at this year's NYSAIS think tank (Twitter hashtag #NYSAIStt11) the language we use has not been the…
Mindless and disturbing commercial hype or ... finally ... the opportunity to realize the long-held, unfulfilled dreams of boundless learning?…
This video from the MacArthur Foundation shows a variety of key and influential people discussing some of the new possibilities…
We come to school to sing in the choir - meaning to be together in real space and time to…
"Reputation, reputation, reputation! O, I have lost my reputation! I have lost the immortal part of myself, and what remains…
Technology, Passion and Learning: That was the title of Shirley Rinaldi's Prezi at Friday's Embracing Innovation Conference ( Twitter hashtag:…
Probably the only two responses to constant change are to ignore it (shrink back, retrench, go off the grid, become…
A home decorating project revealed this message from the former owner underneath the kitchen wallpaper. I quite liked the pattern…
TheĀ Independent Curriculum GroupĀ and Poughkeepsie Day School Present Embracing Innovation in a Time of Disruptive Change Poughkeepsie Day School Friday, April…
In a recent post at Raining Acorns, a Pennsylvania parent records what happens in March school testing season. She outlines…