
The Learning Life

What do London’s Royal Albert Hall, The Football Association,  and the New Zealand Ministry of Education have in common? All…

16 years ago

Human capital, stars aligned and the wise owls

On the way home tonight I heard Robert Reich on NPR’s Marketplace. The topic was Human Capital. The one sentence…

16 years ago

Teen Time Online: An interesting study

A high school parent writes: I think we knew this already (“study shows teens’ use of digital media show that…

16 years ago

Leadersheep are real

I've posted about leadersheep before and now I have heard from an Icelandic shepherd with more information. "Flannelberry" - who…

16 years ago

Learning in a World of Plasma

 A parent sent me a link to this clip from Ulrike Reinhard's blog and specifically her story "Intrinsic motivation…

16 years ago

Rigor versus Rigor Mortis

First and foremost, I look for someone who asks good questions...We can teach them the technical stuff, but we can't…

16 years ago

Train your Brain: The Science of Learned Optimism

I had the pleasure today of hearing Shawn Achor speak on the topic of happiness and the science of positive…

16 years ago

It’s a Different World

Thank you for bringing John Palfrey to the school last night. He was fabulous, and he spoke directly to issues…

16 years ago

College Paying Admitted Students to Re-Take the SAT: Say what??

Some colleges are paying members of the freshman class to retake the SAT’s. Administrators claimed that they were merely giving…

16 years ago

What do we tell the children?

Paul Hoppe I was very taken by this strip in the Styles section of the NYTimes Megan at the Mall.…

16 years ago