
Everyone a Planner Now: No More Status Quo

Ten Trends: educating children for tomorrow’s world An article in the Journal of School Improvement a while back examined ten…

17 years ago

Stop Praising Students

There's a good article in the latest Educational Leadership: "The Perils and Promise of Praise". It's by Carol Dweck. The…

17 years ago

The Incentive

"The incentives I took as an insult. I didn't think motivation was needed. It was not the right thing for…

17 years ago

Disintermediation, Radiohead and Newtonian Physics

Disintermediation - one of those wonderful baggy words that only yields up any meaning after being dismembered into constituent parts,…

17 years ago

Colleges that Change Lives

Colleges that Change Lives is the title of Loren Pope's very useful book for those planning for college. It's also…

17 years ago

Beyond the Comfort Zone: Outdoor Education and the ZPD

Imagine a cleared space in the forest and a circle drawn with a rope; “This is your comfort zone –…

17 years ago

Just in time for curriculum evenings …

The world is moving at a tremendous rate. Going no one knows where. We must prepare our children, not for…

17 years ago

Creativity and Learning How to Learn

“Modern studies indicate that creativity is not a rare, magic gift visited upon the isolated genius; it is the natural…

17 years ago

How the Arts Deepen Student Thinking

There was a great article in last week’s Boston Globe. The authors - Ellen Winner and Lois Hetland - dismiss…

17 years ago

Voice activated pencils: “The school we’d like”

A school in a giant submarine with waterproof maps of the underwater  world. Private helicopters to fly children to France…

18 years ago