
Much Ado About Food: Kate Atkinson and Elizabeth David

Novelists and film makers often struggle to find the right period details to anchor their work in a particular era.…

6 years ago

Sticky Learning and the Dumbing Down of Exams

Do you remember what you were doing on the 22nd of June at 9.00am? I do - at least for…

6 years ago

Why Rhubarb?

Rhubarb, Rhubarb Words A definition of rhubarb - the noun - is  meaningless background noise. This meaning is attributed to…

7 years ago

Ode to Garlic

I don't think I peeled a clove of garlic until I was at least 21. It wasn't because I didn't…

7 years ago


Here then, as promised is the indulgence of blackberry poems. (For any very young readers confused by Thirteen Ways of…

7 years ago

Blackberry and Apple Crumble

If we had some bacon we could have bacon and eggs but we've got no eggs. That First World War…

7 years ago

Bitter Strawberries

     Farm work is one of the best jobs for getting to know people as they really are. The…

7 years ago

Mud Soup

Some culinary disasters can be repurposed. Here is Glen Baxter on polenta: And then there are times when you just…

8 years ago

A Polished Performance

A Polished Performance Citizens of the polished capital Sigh for the towns up country, And their innocent simplicity. People in…

8 years ago


A Facebook friend wanted some crowd-sourcing help for a piece she was editing. Her query asked readers to end the…

8 years ago