Novelists and film makers often struggle to find the right period details to anchor their work in a particular era.…
Do you remember what you were doing on the 22nd of June at 9.00am? I do - at least for…
Rhubarb, Rhubarb Words A definition of rhubarb - the noun - is meaningless background noise. This meaning is attributed to…
I don't think I peeled a clove of garlic until I was at least 21. It wasn't because I didn't…
Here then, as promised is the indulgence of blackberry poems. (For any very young readers confused by Thirteen Ways of…
If we had some bacon we could have bacon and eggs but we've got no eggs. That First World War…
Farm work is one of the best jobs for getting to know people as they really are. The…
Some culinary disasters can be repurposed. Here is Glen Baxter on polenta: And then there are times when you just…
A Polished Performance Citizens of the polished capital Sigh for the towns up country, And their innocent simplicity. People in…
A Facebook friend wanted some crowd-sourcing help for a piece she was editing. Her query asked readers to end the…