
The Irish Airman and Time for a Flu Shot

Yeats wrote the poem "The Wild Swans at Coole" (see Game of Swans) in 1916 /17 when he was staying…

5 years ago


Decomposition I have a picture I took in Bombay of a beggar asleep on the pavement: grey-haired, wearing shorts and…

5 years ago

Game of Swans

A group of swans is a wedge when they're in flight, likely because of the shape a group of swans takes in…

5 years ago

For No Good Reason

I love this poem by Hans Magnus Enzensberger. It's a commentary on the fact that - even in the darkest…

5 years ago

Mustn’t Grumble

Mustn't Grumble We mustn’t grumble We have wireless and cable And there’s food in the shops. Beyoncé had a birthday and…

5 years ago

Wordsworth on the Rail Trail

There's a drainage ditch runs alongside the rail trail where we often take our morning stroll. It runs with water…

5 years ago

The Street of the Fruit Stalls

Amazing how hard it sometimes can be to find things on the intertubes. There was a poem I remembered from…

6 years ago

The Pains of Parting and a Father Says Farewell

Two quite different wartime farewells at Charing Cross Station: The first is from Vera Brittain on the eve of 1915:…

6 years ago

The Gossips

She never!            She did! Well blow me            A right carry-on What a palaver  …

6 years ago

Stroll, Soodle or Stroam

Soodle - it means means to walk in a slow or leisurely manner; to stroll, saunter. With so many alternatives…

6 years ago