
New York City Through the Window: Poetry

In 1975 the poet Allen Ginsberg was in hospital. At a later poetry reading he explained the causes in an…

6 years ago

After great pain, a formal feeling comes

It's graduation season and across the land schools are saying goodbye to students and students are moving along and into…

6 years ago

Who was May Herschel Clarke?

It started with a tweet from yesterday morning: So off to google where I found the same inaccurate one-line biography…

6 years ago

The BWIR, Mutiny and the Men of Taranto: No Parades

Update: 15 October 2020 I've heard from Lyn who is the Project Lead for ‘Away from the Western Front’. ‘No…

6 years ago

For The Sake Of Example: The story of Pvt. Herbert Morris of the BWIR

 They had all watched him die, in a foreign landA warning to others from the High Command. Forfeits medals (sentenced…

6 years ago

#SherlockPoems and Nostalgia: Claude McKay and D.H. Lawrence

I've been looking for a particular poem for a while now. When someone used the hashtag #SherlockPoems in a Twitter…

6 years ago

Falling Wall

I began this post in 2017. The original focus was Louis MacNeice's's poem "Brother Fire". MacNeice was a fire-watcher during…

6 years ago

W. H. Auden and New York

Eighty years ago today - on January 26th, 1939 - the poet W.H.Auden - accompanied by his friend and sometime…

6 years ago

For When It Snows Part Two

Rain is no respecter of persons the snow doesn't give a soft white damn Whom it touches -e.e. cummings, Viva,…

6 years ago

The Old Year

The Old Year The Old Year's gone away To nothingness and night: We cannot find him all the day Nor…

6 years ago