Evacuee Story Lines #2 C. S. Lewis

"What are you doing in the wardrobe?" "Narnia business" C.S."Jack" Lewis spent childhood years in a house in Belfast where…

3 years ago

Evacuee Story Lines #1 Nina Bawden

All our stories begin before we are born. Not Just the blue eyes or flat feet we inherit, but the…

3 years ago

War Souvenir

My father did not bring much back from his six years of war. He would have had his demob suit…

4 years ago

The Thinking

This post is in answer to the question "Operation Pied Piper: What were they thinking?" At least in terms of…

4 years ago

What ho! George Orwell and Cancel Culture

Few things in this war have been more morally disgusting than the present hunt after traitors and Quislings. At best…

4 years ago

Operation Pied Piper: What were they thinking?

In Hamelin in Lower Saxony. there's an inscription on a wooden beam on the side of the Rattenfangerhaus (rat catcher's…

4 years ago

Get the vaccine. Climb a drainpipe

As is ever the case, I found these images on the IWM site while actually looking for something else. They…

4 years ago

Secret Agent, Mother, Saboteur, Bomb-maker, Spy Chief, Novelist, Housewife

As of last week, the only thing I knew about Agnes Smedley was that The Feminist Press had reissued her…

4 years ago

Gertrude Stein: Collage and Code

While T.S.Eliot was skulking about in green face powder, Gertrude Stein was communing with Cubists and inventing linguistic collage. And…

4 years ago

Mental Health, Leadership and the Plan for That

They say the war is over. But water still Comes bloody from the taps. from 'Redeployment,' Howard Nemerov In April…

5 years ago