Dem Debates: And the winner is ….

It’s hard to cut through the clutter and fog of an overcrowded political field. But Elizabeth Warren did it this week.

The debates were not conducive to any kind of discussion of issues beyond sound bite point scoring. They were structured for personal zingers and not for any exploration of policy differences.

All that time spent on health care but no opportunity to hear anything useful. Ridiculous.

I look forward to the time when the field has been winnowed to those who have a realistic shot and the no-hopers and vanity candidates have left the stage.

So as a corrective to my rather cynical Let Me Be Clear take on the emptiness of so much political speech, here is how Warren managed to get her distinctive message across on Tuesday.  Nevertheless she persisted. It’s her debate highlights show reel courtesy of Now This:


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  • Wow this woman is what we need. What you need. What the world needs. Articulate, fair, clever, direct, honest, caring and all that has been said. She understands that a society can only prosper where we all support each other. Boris is using bait programmes that imply he will redress the divisions, unfairness, abuse of the very party of which he is "head"... but not before the buffoon wrecks the country's ability to be able to sustain itself and instead become a lackey to others who do not support any kind of social state but only domination and exploitation. Read it with the 1915 partings blog to see the madness and outcome from which many of us still suffer from the damage it caused, passed down the generations.

  • Looking in from the outside, Elizabeth Warren seemed to me the most impressive in this early debate. I imagine she would be a popular President with us Europeans (and others outside the US) - Obama was very much respected and liked over here.

    There's certainly a large crowd of Democrats vying for the top job at present, so I can fully understand why you'll feel happier when the field has been whittled down to a reasonable number.

    • Warren would be a transformational President for the US and internationally really help turn around this disturbing worldwide right-leaning nationalism trend. (I can't see her cozying up to Boris for example). For me she stands out in a crowded field because she stands for something, has clarity about what she stands for a clear-eyed set of proposals to make the plans reality. She's also fearless.

      There are a number of really strong and worthy candidates in this election but most, at this point, are just noise. Those with no-chance should gracefully bow out asap. That way we can begin to hear some more substantial discussion of policy options. And as for the vanity candidates and their egos ... in an era of trump it's unconscionable.

      • I couldn't agree more, Josie. What is happening to our world? I don't know what we did to deserve Boris - actually, I do, we voted for Brexit (well, not me personally, but as a country). There was never likely to be an up side to the us leaving the EU. Anyhow, as you say, if someone like Warren became President it may have a positive knock-on effect for the UK. I'm ever hopeful!

        • Just as the UK did not vote for Brexit (a fraudulent and Russian backed misbegotten referendum) the US did not vote for Trumpov. But now, you have the orange-crested booby and we still have the criminal marmalade . moron. A parlous and benighted condition all round. Warren gives me hope.

    • I like Booker too. His criminal justice proposal is excellent. A friend who used to live in New Jersey was just telling me about his outstanding constituent service. The friend had a bureaucratic problem with the sale of his house and, unsolicited, Booker reached out to help resolve the issue.

    • Warren is the unTrump - intelligent, thoughtful, committed, visionary and a true fighter for equity and justice. She has the vision as well as the detailed plans to make it happen. She's has an unmatchable ability to explain complicated issues and policies. She's a phenomenal teacher that way. She's also unafraid to take on entrenched interests and fight. We actually have several really great Democratic candidates. Warren is the one who stands out for me.

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