It’s the 21st century. So what happens when we shut children down and disconnect them from wonder, creativity, curiosity and natural love of learning?
The disengagement that is epidemic in high school starts much earlier. And if we actually believe in that cliche about the importance of lifetime learning then it must take joyful root in school. And when it does not, it should be a cause for alarm. For more on the disease see School Epidemic.
So what can schools do to make sure education and school are more of a joyful experience for more children? If the disease is disengagement and drudgery, boredom and failure here is a prescription for the cure – the headlines from an excellent article by Stephen Wolk in the latest Educational Leadership from ASCD
JOY 1: Find the Pleasure in Learning
JOY 2: Give Students Choice
JOY3: Let Students Create Things
JOY 4: Show Off Student Work
JOY 5: Take Time to Tinker
JOY 6: Make School Spaces Inviting
JOY 7: Get Outside
JOY 8: Read Good Books
JOY 9: Offer More Gym and Arts Classes
JOY 10: Transform Assessment
JOY 11: Have Some Fun Together
Teaching As a Joyful Experience
There’s more on each of these at Joy at School