Promoting down-ballot candidates as well as the top of the ticket.

I am always a bit astonished when I see tRump signs at people’s houses. And I ask myself: “Who are these people? What on earth can they be thinking?”

There’s three on our route to our usual walk  – not just signs of course, but mega flags trumpeting the household fascist tendencies, racism, and misogyny to the world.

And looks like they are not people who could have benefitted from Republican tax giveaways either. So not even that excuse for their bad taste and poor judgment. 

One such flag kept ending up in curled in the gutter which was always pleasing to see. And then one day it was taken down and the house and yard festooned with Halloween paraphernalia – ghosts, ghouls, goblins and etc. It made me wonder if there was some political discord in the house. A real horror replaced by less terrifying decoration.

So it’s been cheering to note the sprouting of counter signage. Biden world now overshadows tRumplandia,  at least on this route.

Here’s another from yesterday. This year it’s more important than ever to vote Republicans out at every level. So get out there and support and vote for your local candidates. 


View Comments

  • King Donald will be dethroned next Tuesday [Covid useful more ways than one].
    Luckily for him by a vote not by a sword or phial of poison.
    And hopefully America will learn from his rampage, emerge stronger.

    • From your mouth to the ears of the gods. But the recovery work is going to be long and hard. Elizabeth Warren knows just how to do it so I hope Joe Biden has the wherewithal to set her ideas into action. There's so much that needs repair and reform. Forty years of GOP undermining America is more than a quick fix.

  • I voted early and watch the various senate races polling numbers on a daily basis. I sent a bunch of postcards to folks in PA who hadn't voted in recent years. I continue to give small amounts of money to various down-ticket races around the country. Let's all keep doing what we can in the days ahead!!!

  • We voted already, along with millions of others. One can only do that, but together millions can change things.

  • Have you put a flag outside your house? Probably not! What was it John Hume's father said 'You can't eat a flag'.

    • No flag but there is a full array of signs for local candidates and today we finally got hold of a Biden/Harris sign. So take that neighbor with your Blue Lives Matter flag and tRump trash.

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