Thank you for bringing John Palfrey to the school last night. He was fabulous, and he spoke directly to issues facing my family and our children – PDS parent.
It was election eve for the parents and community discussion. And an election day workshop for PDS teachers and colleagues from other New York independent schools. The pictures above are of subject area break out groups. Other comments:
That was a really good presentation and discussion. Very helpful. I now have a much better understanding of the issues – PDS parent.
Outstanding speaker – PDS parent
Very interesting workshop. John Palfrey is great. What a mind! – PDS teacher
So much to think about. We are living in times that change so fast and we need all the help we can get to think it through and come together to discuss the implications. NYSAIS participant
We are in a different world both at home and in our schools. These opportunities to try and figure it all out are essential. it was so great to be with teachers from different schools. we are all different but we all have great things to share. – NYSAIS participant.
I am so worried about the elction so it was very good to have this interesting and helpful discussion to keep my mind off it – PDS teacher

However you voted, and regardless of whether your favored candidates won or lost, I am sure you join me in wishing President-elect Obama every success in tackling the issues that beset us. See Change.Gov.