David Lammy and the Fraud that is Brexit

David Lammy is the Labour MP for Tottenham. He made the speech and took the stand that many of us hoped that Jeremy Corbyn would lead the party with. Didn’t happen.

If you follow British politics in any degree beyond zero then you may well have seen this video of David Lammy addressing the House of Commons on the shame of the Brexit shambles. 

I add it here just as a marker of its significance and clarity.  And also for the sake of those whose understanding of news from Britain stops at Royal Weddings, funny sheep videos and the occasional riot or celebrity bun fight.

You can also read the speech here in The New Statesman.: There is no left-wing justification for Brexit.

Lammy first establishes his credentials by reminding his listeners of his response to the deadly Tottenham riots. He gives a potted history of the scam of the Leave campaign – the  Russian influence and the fraud and exploitation of fears and anxieties by those who led it. He lays the blame with the failure of politicians to lead and with Westminster not Brussels.The force of British history is brought to bear with references to the courage against all odds of William Wilberforce, Winston Churchill, Clement Atlee and Aneurin Bevan. He uses the Labour legend Keir Hardie to remind his party that there is no left-wing justification for Brexit; that socialism and social welfare are always international at their core; and that the interests of working people are not allied with those who seek to isolate Britain from Europe.

He’s right. 

Added later: Here’s another voice:

This video via David Nice. It’s from Caroline Lucas, Green Party  MP for Brighton Pavilion.

‘Houses of Parliament in the Fog’, Claude Monet 1903

The featured image is of the Great Smog of 1952.


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  • The answer is simple...Corbyn is not a remain supporter and our Labour MP isn't either.
    I do not see much incisive interviewing on TV, esp. BBC news. Are they too afraid the govt will destroy them ..having already started.When Politicians say on TV that they do not support a second referendum because "the people have spoken" I have not heard an interviewer ask..."what about the other 48% who voted to remain. Don't they matter. What do you say to them"? And " do you think that everyone should be denied a vote now they are better and more honestly informed of what leaving entails and its probable consequences? Are you afraid the population may now not support leaving? Do you not wish to hear the will of the people now?". It is the obvious question and no one asks it.

  • I have just listened to this post of Caroline Lucas. She is saying all I have been thinking and saying. Very reassuring. Although no one ever responds positively to what I have to say this speech reassures me that I am not some misguided naive crazy rebel. I vote Labour because not to do so is give the Tories another seat in Parliament. But I have found Labour meetings dominated by angry loud men. Labour seems stuck in the past politically and needs to embrace these new ways of thinking. A genuine democracy is required. I am going to go to Labour meetings and say so. She is a unique gem and speaks well of all the voters in Brighton Pavillion who have supported her and ensured her place in Parliament.

    • Yes, probably about two thirds of Labour is stuck in the past, albeit a different decade (or century) to the Tories. Demoralising to know that so far those Labour MPs who support a second referendum are very much in the minority. Despite the brilliance of my local MP, next time I'm hoping that a vote elsewhere - though the Lib Dems seem to have all but faded, and the Greens need to gather strength - will not be wasted. We need something vital and new.

    • Spot on Jackie! Right on and Caroline Lucas is not the only one saying this. And David Lammy is spot on too. Brexit was a fraud. It was a crime. We need to put this right based on VALUES and what we want for the future.

  • Thanks for sharing these: the more people who hear the good sense of Lammy the better. Corbyn's silence is a disgrace. I have to wonder why: I worked for twenty years in two European countries and the labour protection laws were infinitely better than in the UK. Try to fire someone in Italy and you'll see the state stand up to protect them. Think on, Jeremy!

  • It was an excellent speech, Josie and as you rightly say, one that Corbyn should have made. I've always been a Green at heart, so appreciate the addition of the Caroline Lucas video. Really enjoyed this post! 😊

  • Thanks for also providing the link to the text, since I wanted to quote from the speech and didn't want to have to take it down from the film. There have been a few good speeches around: I warmly recommend this one from Caroline Lucas of the Greens, who hasn't had nearly enough air time and could be the right leader for a cross-party committee: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgJFTB2SODE&feature=share

    • I'm adding the Caroline Lucas video to the original post to ensure it gets seen. Thanks David. (Always good to know that "Green" can mean something constructive. In the US the "green party" appears to be a Kremlin front led by a Russian asset.

  • Absolutely spot on. Anyone merely watching BBC or reading mainstream press will have a distorted view of Brexit. As did people clamouring for WW1 to beat the "enemy abroad". The ruling elite deflect anger and despair caused by their actions and policies onto anyone but themselves, immigrants, Europe, labour and who knows who will follow. They elict the support of those everyday people who have suffered from their actions by lies, fear, fake news and impossible promises. Look only to WW1 and WW2 to see the pattern and the trick. And to see that many everyday folk suffer badly as a result. But not the elite, those in power, here and abroad. Take heed not to be fooled and to prevent history repeating itself.

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