RattleBag and Rhubarb

What if there were no PDS?

I’ve been pondering Seth Godin’s recent column What if you stopped? and applying it to PDS. What if Poughkeepsie Day School  went away? Would anyone miss it? Would it matter? Would anyone care?  I’ve adapted his questions here. What would happen if we shut the doors tomorrow? (I know what would happen to those of us  who work at PDS but that’s not the…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Explorers and Navigators

Science teacher Jonathan Heiles sent a link to all of us about the international public campaign to name the surface features of Pluto and Charon. NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft will fly past Pluto in July and that far off world and its moons for the first time.  Together with the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the New Horizons team will assign names…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

What a night!

We had a terrific benefit auction party last night. So many thanks are due to volunteer auction chair Ann Enriquez who put together a terrific crew who worked tirelessly. Many people made this night possible and I am thankful for them all. The gym was transformed into a place of magic and romance, the food was good, the music wonderfully…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Why are we doing this to our children?

Here is child psychologist Dr. Megan Koschnick on why Early Childhood Standards of Common Core are Developmentally Inappropriate. This is her presentation from a 2013  conference at the University of Notre Dame entitled “The Changing Role of Education in America: Consequences of the Common Core.” Why do we care if Common Core standards are age inappropriate? Well, you can answer that…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

What’s wrong with this picture?

I always enjoy Valerie Strauss’s Answer Sheet blog in the Washington Post. She frequently provides a platform for teacher voices and education issues so often drowned out by the drumbeat of test and standardization mania. She had a great piece last week What a Classroom Engaged in Real Learning Looks Like It’s about the work of Aleta Margolis of the…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

When it comes to picking a school: Choose Happy

It’s a miserable life. Nasty, brutish and short. And childhood means school and that means drudgery. And the sooner kids experience that the better off they will be. It’s the real world folks. Better get used to it now. And sorry, no recess – you have to prepare for the test. And hurry up – no time to be wasted…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

The Future of Education

Panel on the Future of Education from the NAIS Annual Conference, Boston 2015. With college presidents Rebecca Chopp, Nan Keohane, Paul LeBlanc and Pamela Gunter-Smith Moderated by NAIS President, John E. Chubb Featured photocredit: Dana Critchlow

RattleBag and Rhubarb

Edcamp Hudson Valley: It’s back so Save the date

Edcamp is back at Poughkeepsie Day School this August and we are delighted to be the hosts. Edcamps are just about the best possible professional development for teachers: Just-in-time, self directed, needs-and interests-based. just-in-time sharing and collaboration. And a terrific opportunity to meet other teachers from our area and find out what we share, what we can learn and how…

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Education, Poetry, RattleBag and Rhubarb

School Leadership: Working Together and Birds in Flight

Have you ever seen a ton of starlings or red-wing blackbirds swooping about in unison as if they were in some kind of  mechanically choreographed mass ballet? Of course the correct and archaic collective nouns to use there would be murmuration for the starlings and  cloud, flock, grind, or merl for the blackbirds. But whatever – you know what I mean –…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

Why PDS? A Lower School Parent Writes …

If you’re thinking about Loving Learning and what all that emerging, integrated and experiential curriculum looks like in the real classroom here’s what a fifth grade parent shared on her Facebook page. It is reproduced here with her permission: A glimpse into why we do everything we can (read spend all of our money and time) to send our son…

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Books, Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Loving Learning: Thank You Tom Little

Tom Little’s lifelong passion for progressive education emerged directly from his experience with its antithesis. I was six years old, and the youngest of six children, when I lost my father to cancer. On the day after his funeral, I raised my hand in class. I held my hand in the air for what seemed like a very long time…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

How well are our children?

By chance I discovered this wonderful document Growing Up in Ireland with its photographs of a lush green landscape and quick words. It led me to the website for the national longitudinal study of children. Started in 2007 it is  following the progress of almost 20,000 children across Ireland.They appear to asking all the right questions. The idea is  to collect a host…

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Books, Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Staying Curious: Susan Engel’s “The Hungry Mind”

The Hungry Mind The Origins of Curiosity in Childhood That’s the title of Susan Engel’s new book and it’s about the recent standardized testing mania and how it misses the point about what really matters. The key thing is the desire to learn. We are born curious – born with a hunger to learn. The book is an exploration of…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

The Finns Are At It Again: Redesigning Education

Not content with sweeping the international testing stakes Finland is setting about radical school design and reform – again. And given some rather gloomy economic outlooks maybe not a moment too soon. Maybe they know that topping the PISA (Program for International Student Assessment) test pile is not the holy grail and that these scores don’t tell us anything very useful …

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