Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Design Thinking: See the Moose Through the Mist

How many designers does it take to change a light bulb? Answer: Does it have to be a light bulb? All those “why” questions to get at the root of the need or the problem are at the heart of systems/ design thinking. They can feel very annoying but they are essential to the process. The problem is not always what it…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

A School With Designs on the Future

What can you tell about a school in one visit when the kids are still on vacation? Well – quite a lot as it turns out. I had the opportunity this week to visit the Robert C. Parker School which is a wonderful progressive pre-k through 8th grade school up in the Albany area. I was there to conduct a…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Let the handwringing stop. The US is not number one and that’s OK.

The latest Program for International Assessment (Pisa) results are out and that means another round of handwringing, lamentation, self-flagellation, finger pointing and all that other good stuff. Basic summary: Shanghai tops the overall ranking with Singapore and Hong Kong coming in at second and third place. Since 2000, the OECD has benn trying to evaluate the skills and knowledge  of…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

Nine Commitments and One New Tool

I’ve recently discovered Haiku Deck – a new way to create slide presentations. It’s an interesting tool for finding images that are in the public domain and matched with the words you enter. You can also upload your own images. The PDS strategic plan has nine learning commitments. These are the nine beliefs about learning that underpin the school’s commitment…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb, WW1

Necessary Heroes

“The necessary supply of heroes must be maintained at all costs.” (Siegfried Sassoon 24 February. 1917, quoting Sir Edward Carson in a speech in Dublin. I have been unable to confirm the details of that speech.) Each night at 8 pm the traffic is stopped at the Menin Gate and  The Last Post is sounded. This is the gate over…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Toot your Trumpet: the NAIS Inspiration Lab

So easy to toot your own horn these days. The harder thing is to cut through the cacophony and have others hear the tuneful joyful noise! I’m enjoying the new Inspiration Lab from NAIS designed to allow member schools to highlight their work. We sent in our first contribution yesterday. It was a screenshot of Global Read Aloud book discussion that…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

Creatives v. The Rest Of Us

I like the work of the RSA very much and enjoy their articles, posts and animations. But their continued use of the noun “creatives” is becoming wearing. Here’s the latest: Street based business training for young creatives When I hear or read the word creative as a noun it’s often in the plural – as above –  as in statements like;…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

What failure means these days

A recent Twitter chat included the following exchange with Mark Crotty, head of school at St John’s Episcopal in Dallas. Mark blogs at To Keep Things Whole and I am a frequent visitor. He used it in a post entitled: Failure of Promoting Failure  that you can read at the link. He alerted me to the post in a tweet.…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

Notes toward a definition of leadership

Yesterday PDS faculty received an email from a colleague outlining a plan for the use, care and maintenance of one of our new makerspaces. She is one of two teachers who have a created a whole scheme to ensure the room works effectively and is accessible to all classes. It’s a detailed plan with well-considered thinking about key elements of…

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Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

It’s a MakeSTEAM world: Design Thinking on the Move

I’m just back from a fantastic three days at the NYSAIS STEAMCamp. Twitter: #steam13 So much to think about, so much to process and so many plans to make for the new year. Thank you to NYSAIS for hosting the event and to all the leaders, facilitators and participants. And special thanks to all my wonderful PDS colleagues. Design thinking…

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