Scissors and a Glue Stick

When I first became a head of school I had this daft idea that I would make personalized cut-and-paste greetings cards for every member the faculty and staff.

It was daft on a number of levels including the sheer daunting nature of the task and the time it would take that I didn’t have. 

But I set to work that Fall nonetheless although I soon ran out of materials as well as time. And so I set a different schedule – I would have then ready for contract renewal time in the spring. Each envelope to every teacher and staff member would go out with a personalized card with a message of appreciation on the back.

Another missed deadline.

By then I knew that the project was doomed for all kinds of reasons. Time and materials and talent – those three for sure. But then I also realized that – whatever my intentions – there would surely be the potential for misinterpretation and misunderstanding. What if something I meant as lighthearted – or just random – were to be taken as somehow rendering a critical judgment on someone’s work?

Much safer not to do it.

So the idea was shelved. Fortunately I had a store of ready made postcards and fridge magnets and turned to them instead.

However, the project did have value. It provided me with the reason to play and playing is good. So during those first few months of a new job I took a couple hours each week and had my own therapeutic arts and crafts sheltered workshop.

And that was healthy and helpful even if the ambitious project was doomed from the start. Mental health matters and heads of school like everyone else need to find ways to attend to it.

So here are a few examples from a couple of dozen still lying about. Heaven only knows what people would have made of them. Might have provided a moment of bemusement and healthy eye-rolling wonder at the eternal folly of heads.


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  • Quite an eclectic collection! It reminds me of when I hosted school hols craft sessions at my library. Either had too much or too little but I still have some special ones with good memories attached.

  • What a lovely idea. And they are interesting too. But yes, a big job. 'Discretion is the better part of valor', or some such wise saying comes to mind!

    • It was. And it would have been. And the idea failed. Because - well-intentioned but unrealistic. But I don't regret the instinct. Just the inability to follow through. My secondary gain was huge, and sustained.

  • Oh, now I wonder which one I would have gotten! I do remember my magnet. It had something to do with almonds. Yes, I did wonder if I should read into it “Does this mean she thinks I’m a nut?” I can imagine that the collaging really did help with having some thought flow. Making usually does. The cards are really beautiful.

    • If I go back and sort through them I could probably find one that may have been intended for you. Some people are easier than others and science teachers would get sciency things like "soil". Yours was probably something with a corn cob, gardening and a farm scene.

      And see what I mean about people reading into things? You are about as far from a "nut" as can be imagined.

    • It's true - there's a deal of sticky scraps and paint daubs about. Some if it to better effect than mine!

  • I love this, Josie. I can see you sheltered away creating these. I hope the process brought you joy. xxxx

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