PDS marked the inauguration at its Peacemakers Assembly on Tuesday. Entitled “Stony the road we trod” the event began with the singing of James Weldon Johnson’s Lift Every Voice and Sing.
In the collage you can see pictures of the participants from high school to lower school. Ater lunch everyone returned to the JEJ theater to watch the inauguration.
The two-forty-five express — Paddington to Market Blandings, first stop Oxford—stood at its piatform with…
Changing your mind is perfectly normal—and often essential. After all, it’s what education is all…
One childhood ritual during the days between Christmas and the return to school was the…
“That woman is pursued by demons,” Wally Brigley, the Board chair, declared as he settled…
“You look about as festive as a radish sandwich,” Midge had said. And she wasn’t…
"We were young and we were keen; Europe was in flames, and we were ready…