Discovery and Uncovery

We all love to rumble on about lifelong learning . But how does that happen when learning is presented as…

9 years ago

Milestone: First PDS Cross Country Invitational

Such a joy to be out on the fields for the first ever PDS Cross-Country Invitational last Wednesday. It was…

9 years ago

Learning and Social Media: Option, Opportunity and Obligation

If you're reading this online then you are engaged in social media. You are consuming. I've been thinking about education…

9 years ago

Out and About: Weekend

There's a wonderful walk along the Housatonic in Kent, Connecticut. We were there early enough to have it to ourselves…

9 years ago

Out and About

We had some glorious fall days last week (as well as some much-needed rain).  It was perfect weather for the…

9 years ago

A Portrait of Us

Building community means getting to know each other. And that means time. Last week we had the first ASA (all-school-activity)…

9 years ago

Time for Tomato Chutney

When it's getting near the end of fresh tomato season and the freezer and shelves are full of sauces it's…

9 years ago

Art is Messy, Team Building is Fun

Great to see these video tweets yesterday. Thanks Jenn and Jill. Making art is messy! @PoughkeepsieDay pic.twitter.com/EL9jE1nx5q— Jennifer Jordan (@artteacherjenn)…

9 years ago

One Week Down

The first week and the exhilaration and energy are like a tide that sweep you along. But those lazier days…

9 years ago

How to Run a Meeting Badly: Advice from an Expert

A few tips storified from an #ISEDchat courtesy of @LaneYoung. This is by no means a complete list of course.…

9 years ago

“Let’s Make It”: Education Comes Full Circle

Unless the mass of workers are to be blind cogs and pinions in the apparatus they employ, they must have…

10 years ago

Two Key Tools for Teachers

Tool  #1: Twitter With so much out there it's hard to know where to begin.  But Twitter is by far…

10 years ago

The End of Expertise

Here's a interestingly provocative article for all of us in education. How Much Do we Need to Know? by Peter…

10 years ago

A Work in Progress: The Secret Sauce of the PDS Value Proposition

We have a new website in the offing and I was working on some of the language for the new…

10 years ago

Every Student Is An Honored Student at Poughkeepsie Day School

I was listening to Noam Chomsky on ranking and the dangers of standardized testing. This is some of what he…

10 years ago