
Kindergarten Collectors

It was part of a math number and counting project and then both kindergarten classes brought in their personal collections…

17 years ago

High School Madness

Too Busy to Eat, Students Get a New Required Course: Lunch Did you read this article from today's New York…

17 years ago

The New Progressivism

Read Peter Gow's Education Week article The New Progressivism is Here. Commenting on the 2008 NAIS annual conference held in…

17 years ago

Ring out wild bells. Etc.

Out with the old, in with the new. Well - not quite so fast. While change and forward momentum are…

17 years ago

Any Relevance for Education?

"We used to fool ourselves…We used to think our content was perfect just exactly as it was. We expected our…

17 years ago

Everyone a Planner Now: No More Status Quo

Ten Trends: educating children for tomorrow’s world An article in the Journal of School Improvement a while back examined ten…

17 years ago

Change Again

Within the past 50 years, we’ve seen our country move from an industrial economy to an information-based economy. Now, early…

18 years ago

My Life as the Ink Monitor and How Not to Introduce 1:1 Laptops

Technology is always disruptive. Think of the introduction of the printing press, or the combine harvester, or the mechanical looms…

18 years ago

Disruptive Change in School: How Technology Ruined My Childhood

Technology is always disruptive. Think of the introduction of the printing press, or the combine harvester, or the mechanical looms…

18 years ago

Write a Novel, Change the World: Use your Laptop as a brick

Gary Stager came to Poughkeepsie Day School at the end of March and he began with a lively Vassar College/…

18 years ago

The Machine is Us/ing Us: The Machine Will Not Stop

Take a look at this fascinating video about web 2.0 from Michael Wesch, Assistant Professor of Cultural Anthropology at Kansas…

18 years ago

People, Planet, Purpose

"It is easier to change the course of history than to change a history course". "Proposals for change in schools…

18 years ago

The Passionate Learner: Part Three

The Climate for Learning A follow-up to Passionate Learning Part 1 and Part 2 Stained Glass Dr. Robert L. Fried…

18 years ago

Plus ça change, c’est la même chose – only faster

The one thing about which all educators are in agreement is that yesterday's education no longer suffices for today. The…

18 years ago

A Rising Tide

They say that a rising tide gathers no moss. Or is that the rolling stone? Anyway - if that rising…

18 years ago