Great War

A Compendium of Delight

Poetry is critical to a complete understanding of the First World War because in the years leading up to and…

3 years ago

August 1914

August 1914 What in our lives is burnt In the fire of this? The heart’s dear granary? The much we…

8 years ago


MCMXIV Those long uneven lines Standing as patiently As if they were stretched outside The Oval or Villa Park, The…

8 years ago

The Poltroon

Poltroon - the very word is like a ... what? a.) A North American mammal of the raccoon family known…

8 years ago


Blackbirds are notorious for being able to mimic the sounds they hear as they hop about the celestial chimney pots…

8 years ago

Song of the Dark Ages

Song of the Dark Ages We digged our trenches on the down    Beside old barrows, and the wet White…

8 years ago

In Parenthesis: Part 1

This writing has to do with some things I saw, felt and was part of. The period covered begins in…

8 years ago

In Memoriam (Easter, 1915)

In Memoriam (Easter, 1915) The flowers left thick at nightfall in the wood This Eastertide call into mind the men,…

8 years ago


Thaw by Edward Thomas Over the land freckled with snow half-thawed The speculating rooks at their nests cawed And saw…

8 years ago

Art and Our Times

How will artists and writers portray this Trumpian time of disillusion, delusion and deception in which we now live? All…

8 years ago

About Suffering They Were Never Wrong

About suffering they were never wrong, The old Masters: how well they understood Its human position: how it takes place…

8 years ago

Treasons Greetings: The Ghosts of Happy Holidays Past

It's politically incorrect to say Happy Holidays these days. We must all say Merry Christmas. No word on the acceptability…

8 years ago

The Barrage Lifts

After forty five years it's time to re-wire! And the start of my re-wirement coincides with the centenary of the…

9 years ago

Happy New Year

A small selection of New Year's greetings from a a century ago.  

9 years ago

1915 and The Midnight of the Nations

On Christmas Day 1915 David Lloyd George the former radical liberal,then Minister of Munitions and soon to be Prime Minister…

9 years ago