RattleBag and Rhubarb


It was rainy at recess so the first and second graders in Bill and Rachels’s class visited me instead. Here they are winding up the toys in the office. They returned to class with two cars from my collection so they could be put to test on the block corner raceway. And then today Ariana Stokas PDS – graduate from…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

“Take One Picture” Hat Parade

Inspired by the Lower School Take One Picture project the Kindergarten made hats. Their hat parade was a great hit at Kenyon House. For more information about the Breugel painting and the origins of this project see Spring.

RattleBag and Rhubarb

From kindergarten to high school

Robbie sent me this picture of a high school student with members of her kindergarten class. As you can see from the background lights – this was taken the all-school winter festival event. A cheering picture for a gray day as we dry out from the deluge. It was taken by Alexandra.

Education, RattleBag and Rhubarb

The Age of Industry

The Age of Industry – that is what Mary Ellen calls kindergarten and this industry was certainly on display in the playground today. There was a potentially poisonous bug to be investigated in the playhouse, milk crates and logs to be hauled uphill in defiance of gravity and surface friction on the snow, and tree displays to be created on…

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RattleBag and Rhubarb

With the kindergarten – Patterns to Pixies

The kindergarten invited me to their classrooms to see their Pattern Museum. It was wonderful to see their hard work and ingenuity on display. They had found patterns everywhere and created many more of their own. And then – they visited me in my office disguised as fairy-angel-princesses, assorted ghouls, Supermen, a skeleton and a railroad crossing.