
“Playing games makes your child clever”

 A must read article from the Times of London. Playing Games Makes Your Child Clever  

15 years ago

“Can we have a bake sale?”

“George, can we have a bake sale?” That was Wednesday last week, in the hallway, right at the start of…

15 years ago

Problem-solving is what you do when ….

Problem solving is what you do when you don't know what to do. - Alinda. That's just one of the…

17 years ago

What’s Your EQ?

Empathy - the ability to understand and identify with another's situation, feelings, motives. Emotional Intelligence - the ability to understand…

17 years ago

Testing: There are Better Ways to Identify Gifted and Talented Students

It's testing season and here's a timely reminder that traditional testing for ability is not the last word in thinking…

17 years ago

The Effort Effect Part Two: What do we tell the kids?

Part One: The Audacity of High Hopes Part Two: What to do If praising kids for being smart saps motivation…

17 years ago

The Effort Effect: The Audacity of High Hopes

The effort effect on display at Buttercup Farm Nature Reserve, near Poughkeepsie. See below for a photo of the dam.…

17 years ago

The Cathedral of Complexity

The Complex Workings of the Human Brain Medical and cognitive sciences, new technologies, and pedagogic research are helping us appreciate…

17 years ago

College Admissions: Which is more interesting: Gorillas or Guerrillas??

That question is one the prompts from the new Tufts University optional essay section. It’s part of its Kaleidoscope program…

18 years ago