
All Hands Above Board for the Scuttlebutt

It's always fun when someone you know - a friend - has a book published. Here's Three Sheets to the…

5 years ago

The Gossips

She never!            She did! Well blow me            A right carry-on What a palaver  …

6 years ago

Stroll, Soodle or Stroam

Soodle - it means means to walk in a slow or leisurely manner; to stroll, saunter. With so many alternatives…

6 years ago

For When it Snows Part One

No snow where I am at the moment but here's a poem to enjoy now and also tuck away to…

6 years ago

Bumbarrel, Mumruffin and Poke Pudding

It was Clive Bennett who got me traveling down this particular track. He's a real birder and maintains a wonderful…

6 years ago

An Invitation

What use is poetry? .... We have poetry  So we do not die of history. - Meena Alexander I like poems…

6 years ago

Brexit, Beowulf and the Bum Trumpet

The day after the Brexit referendum our dear leader - then candidate for the presidency - was on his way…

6 years ago

Why Rhubarb?

Rhubarb, Rhubarb Words A definition of rhubarb - the noun - is  meaningless background noise. This meaning is attributed to…

7 years ago

Buzzwords in Education: Thought Leader takes a Deep Dive into Learner Agency and Direct Instruction

Education thought leader takes a deep dive into learner agency and direct instruction. Image: Banker by Jason de Caires Taylor

7 years ago

In Parenthesis: Part 1

This writing has to do with some things I saw, felt and was part of. The period covered begins in…

8 years ago

Appeal to the Grammarians

The temperature's rising. Time to think about eating outside and settling in at a sidewalk cafe to watch the world…

8 years ago

The #Resistance is #TheMajority

One of the great pleasures of the age of instant and ubiquitous access to information is being able to re-connect…

8 years ago

The Double-Down False Equivalency of the Eviscerated Dog Whistle Pivot

Every election cycle has its themes and a language all its own. Words and phrases rise up to capture the…

8 years ago

Explorers and Navigators

Science teacher Jonathan Heiles sent a link to all of us about the international public campaign to name the surface…

10 years ago

Modern Learning and the Shock of the New

Here's something terrific for free: It's an E-book of great articles from the always useful Educating Modern Learners, an online…

10 years ago