
Where does Good Enough Come from?

It was Donald Winnicott, of course, who coined the phrase good-enough in connection with parenting. He first introduced the term…

4 years ago

Good Enough

The signs are everywhere. Along with so many other institutions, schools - and all those who work in them and…

4 years ago

Schools and COVID-19: Gloom and Doom, Hope and Glory

What Schools Have To Be About Now A colleague shared an article  - That Discomfort You're  Feeling Is Grief from…

5 years ago

Mental Health, Leadership and the Plan for That

They say the war is over. But water still Comes bloody from the taps. from 'Redeployment,' Howard Nemerov In April…

5 years ago

The Changed Face of School Leadership

The schools we attend and work in help shape the people we become. Seven of my sixty plus years in…

5 years ago

Angela Brazil, the Tribal World of School and School Change

Scooterons-nous vite. It's Back to School with Angela Brazil Long before Harry Potter - and indeed long before all those…

5 years ago

After great pain, a formal feeling comes

It's graduation season and across the land schools are saying goodbye to students and students are moving along and into…

6 years ago

Celebrating a Trevor Class and a Teacher Retirement

Just a few pictures of very lovely evening at Trevor Day School. Great appreciation to all who helped make this…

6 years ago

New Head of School Installed at Robert C. Parker School

It was Robert C. Parker Day at Robert C. Parker School in Rensselaer County, NY - just across the Hudson from…

7 years ago

A Guide to the Agony and Opportunity of School Right-sizing

Those of us who were heads of school in 2008-9 probably remember all too well the pain of school downsizing…

8 years ago

On the Steps of the Jefferson Memorial

The simplest poems can be amongst the most profound. On the Steps of the Jefferson Memorial We invent our gods…

8 years ago

Leadership, Problem-Solving, Compassion and Empathy

As Donald Trump spirals deeper into madness and depravity the toll on the collective psyche just grows. Fortunately help is…

8 years ago

The future happens very slowly and then all at once

My title line is from Kevin Kelly whose new book The Inevitable is about the deep trends in the next 20 years…

8 years ago

The Headship: History Matters

Ok - so you wanted to be a head of school and you applied for a job and then you…

8 years ago

Without Empathy There Is No Leadership: “All America Felt My Pain.”

"You Have Sacrificed Nothing" Grieving father Khizr Khan said four simple words:  "You have sacrificed nothing". It was one of…

9 years ago